What Should You Not Do With A Herniated Disc In Your Neck?

5 Exercises to Help a Herniated Disc in the Neck

A herniated disc occurs when there is damage to the outer part of the neck disc, leading to the jelly substance in the spine seeping out. This disorder is sometimes called a bulging disk. A bulging disc at the neck occurs with age increment and frequently. A herniated disc adds pressure to the nerves and causes the arms to become weak, feel numb, or you end up getting a tingling sensation in this area. It also becomes difficult to lift weighty objects, and you feel a part of the body getting weaker than the others.

Consulting a physician or doctor for this kind of pain can help you get better. But some casual low-impact daily stretches or exercises can help you reduce the pain.

Low-impact Exercises and Stretches

If you want to relieve the pain in your neck, there are various exercises you can do. But to begin, try out these basic everyday exercises.

1. Stretch the Arms or Shoulders
To get back a posture damaged by a herniated disc, try a shoulder or arm stretch. You may think that this routine will not be the best treatment for a bulging disc, but it works wonders for it. Arms and shoulder stretch help to relieve the pressure around the cervical area. it also relaxes the upper part of your shoulders and back. An added advantage of doing this routine is that do the exercise anyplace and time. To do this routine:

  • Join your hands at your back slowly and intertwine the fingers together
  • Lift the linked hands slowly and hold it above the head. Try standing straight when doing this, as a wrong posture can further damage the cervical region.
  • When you feel that the stretch on the shoulders is enough, gently loosen the to the starting position. However, try holding the stretch for close to ten to fifteen seconds.
  • Repeat the routine two other times. However, you can do this as much as possible but not too much to further worsen the pain.

2. Do simple Chin Tuck
Chin tucks help you target the cervical region at the uppermost part beneath the skull. Like arm or shoulder stretch, you can practice this routine anywhere and at any time. If you practice this exercise at home, use a mirror to observe the proper pose when exercising. To do this routine:

  • Stand straight, face forward and pull the shoulders back.
  • Slowly bend the head until you feel a slight stretch in the neck. If you want to do a deep stretch, bend the head forward a bit more.
  • Hold your position for two seconds and start all over. Repeat this stretch not more than ten times.

3. Squeeze the Shoulder Blades Together
This stretch is good for targeting the lower back. It will work well in relieving tension on the lower neck. You can do it while standing. However, if you do not want to do this stretch standing, try sitting on an armless chair to do it. To do this:

  • Stand with your feet widely open and separated from each other, back straightened, chin tucked in slightly, and arms hanging at your sides loosely.
  • Gently pull back your shoulders and pull together the shoulder blades, and you feel slight pressure.
  • Hold the stretch for ten seconds and try not to cause additional pain to the shoulders.
  • After this round, try going for two to three more times before stopping.

Treatment For Herniated Disc

A herniated disc can get better with treatments. But these treatments may last for weeks or months. To get better:

  1. Take a Break for Severe Pain: if you have a seriously ruptured disc, you should probably stay in bed. But if it is a simple minor ache, staying active will be the best solution for you. It is because resting for too long can weaken the muscle and worsen the pain.
  2. Try a Heated pad: use a heated object like an ice pack for about fifteen to twenty minutes every two to three hours. If this does not work, try taking a warm bath or buy a disposable heat pad you can use once. Use it for seven to eight hours.
  3. Exercise: your therapist, doctor, or physician may give you an exercise routine to follow. Ensure that you do it because it will strengthen the back muscles and prevent a recurrent injury.
  4. Medication: your doctor may give you medicine to take, so make sure that you take them. Taking medications can help ease your pain. But, they do not heal a herniated disc. What they do is reduce the swelling on the affected area and the pain you feel there.

4. Trampoline Exercise
Working up your muscles on a trampoline is also a way to remove a bulging disc. This exercise stimulates the blood flow and oxygen level in the neck. You also get to strengthen the bones and learn how to balance your body. To do this,

  • Step on the trampoline for five minutes or more as a warmup
  • Avoid jumping on the trampoline because it can cause pain to the cervical region.

5. Ball Routine
This exercise is a low-intensity routine for your neck. It is because when you bounce on the ball, it helps to increase blood flow in the body. It also aids the spine to receive proper nutrition. This way, the spine will heal properly. To do this exercise routine:

  • Sit on a soft exercise ball and look forward.
  • Rest both arms beside the body.
  • Lightly bounce on the ball in an up and down movement for not less than five minutes.

Apart from these exercises, many exercises are not intense, and they will even help you reduce herniated disc like swimming and yoga. However, if you have already set your mind on doing an exercise routine for your ruptured disc, meet a doctor for a professional opinion. A physical therapist or doctor will draw a workout plan that will not further disturb his program.

What Exercise Routines Should You Not do with a Herniated Disc in the Neck?
If you want to safeguard the neck from damage, an exercise like weightlifting should not be on your routine. It is because carrying heavy or weighty objects may cause shock to the cervical spine. A person that has a herniated disc should try to avoid doing this at all. Exercises that make you expend much of your arms and shoulders strength or make you bend forward should not be a part of your daily activities. It could aggravate the bulging disc.

When you take treatments and do exercises for a while, and you do not see any improvement, you might want to talk to your doctor about surgery. This method could be the best possible solution for you because when treatments don't work, you can replace a relapsed disc with a mechanical disc such as the Mobi-C Cervical Disk. This disc works the same way as the one the doctor will replace. Do you have a ruptured disc? Visit your physician, health care provider, or doctor to get the best possible treatment for you.

Things You Should Avoid When You Have A Herniated Disc In The Neck


Dr. J. Alex Sielatychi